Bobby Jack Brand

Bobby Jack started as a simple little monkey with a big dream.  The dream?  To reach out to girls of all ages around the world and introduce them to the dynamic character and charm of Bobby Jack t-shirts.  The bait?  A comic strip style screen with the front being the first part of the joke and the back being the punch line.  And it worked!  The girls love to read the front of a screen and then, as if turning the page to read the next part of a funny story, they turn over the shirt to find the punch line ending.  Along with the charisma of Bobby Jack is his nutty entourage, Cooper and Mouse.  Girls love the hysterics that go on between Bobby and his friends.  True to life, Bobby and his friends also have mood changes and different attitudes that many girls can also relate to. Whether Bobby Jack is feeling silly, obnoxious, and cocky, has a bad attitude or is just having fun, he is making people smile.

The team at Bobby Jack works hard to make the best product possible for its stores.  Producing only the highest quality goods and constantly raising the bar on styling is a task that is taken very seriously at the Bobby Jack headquarters.  The artists and designers are continuously coming up with the hottest trends, treatments and colors to keep the line looking fresh and new.  By shopping the European and Asian stores, they are able to bring a wide variety of styles and techniques to the line.  In addition to shopping different countries, they are always in the American market shopping not only the competition to make sure that they look different from them, but also shopping the retailers that they sell to see what girls are shopping at the stores and hopefully, to find some interesting and funny personalities that can be incorporated into Bobby Jacks character.  The artists and designers work with some of the worlds largest factories to develop new ways of bringing Bobby Jack to life in screens, embroideries, appliqués and any of the newest forms of applications and treatments. The designers are not the only ones working hard to keep the brand up to and even beyond industry standards.  The hard working production team works around the clock and around the world to find only the best factories all the way from South America to Asia to produce the Bobby Jack Brand.  Strict levels of quality control are followed and enforced by the production team.  Constant fittings screen, and fabric tests are conducted on every style that is put into production. Along with great quality also come great prices.  Although the Bobby Jack Brand line is constantly above the competition in treatments are prices are still very competitive and sometimes even lower than those we sit next to in the stores.

The growth of Bobby Jack the Brand has risen very quickly.  From 2002-2010 the company has grown and astonishing 2500%! With no history as a cartoon character or a popular published comic strip, Bobby Jack has risen to fame from word of mouth alone. Its no wonder Bobby Jack is a phenomenon.  One way Bobby Jack brand is working to keep the interest of its customers is by offering The Bobby Jack brand web sit.  The  web sites brings kids of all ages and ethnicities together to chat on line about their favorite bobby jack t-shirts, to read the history of Bobby Jack and is friends, to check out the newest product in there favorite stores or just to chat about life in general.  It also offers interactive games, homework tutoring and free downloads. All retailers that carry the Bobby jack line have direct links to their sites which also increase the internet sales for the stores. With over 500,000 hits a month, the web site is a very intricate part of the growing relationship with Bobby Jack and its customers. Now, with business on the up rise with more licensees being signed on to add more product lines to the brand, Bobby jack is taking the next level in advertising. The Bobby Jack brand is now running nation wide ads in girl's magazines such as M, Cosmo girl, twist and J-14.  Teen people and seventeen magazines will be the next step in our advertising portfolio for the holiday season.  With Bobby Jack shops being opened up continuously in retail stores around the country, the product base is growing rapidly to meet the demands of the girls and their need to have "everything that is Bobby Jack.

 The Bobby Jack brand not only continues to grown around the country but also around the world.  Canada is the newest country where Bobby Jack can be seen and we are not stopping there.  We are in contact with people around the world to bring Bobby and his crazy friends to all the kids of the world.  The enthusiasm that the company gets from its retailers and fans across America gives us the motivation that we need to continue to produce the best and newest product possible.